Raw materials

Mix­tu­res are desi­gned and imple­men­ted by expe­rien­ced master roa­sters and come from the lands of Bra­zil, from histo­ric plan­ta­tions Ethio­pia and Hon­du­ras, from spi­ri­tual India and hot Colom­bia. Our mis­sion con­sists in the uni­que selec­tion and mixing of appre­cia­ble weighted balan­ced tonal values in the tasting.
Thanks to spe­ci­fic roa­sting cur­ves that enhan­ce the fla­vor cha­rac­te­ri­stics and orga­no­lep­tic qua­li­ties of green cof­fee ori­gin, we have deve­lo­ped valua­ble qua­li­ty blends per­fec­tly balan­ced with uni­que and distinc­ti­ve flavors.
The wide choi­ce of ran­ge allo­ws Pro­fes­sio­nal, as well as gour­met, you always find the per­fect bean for eve­ry occa­sion. Year after year, sea­son after sea­son, our master roa­ster doses with expe­rien­ce and wisdom the dif­fe­rent varie­ties of green cof­fee, so as to ensu­re the unmi­sta­ka­ble taste of Cof­fee Mar­cel­let­ti’s quality.


To achie­ve our blends we use a roa­ster of last gene­ra­tion that deve­lops low emis­sions and has a low envi­ron­men­tal impact. The roa­sting pro­cess con­sists in brin­ging the cof­fee beans at very high tem­pe­ra­tu­res of 220 ° with the peak for about 17 minu­tes. During roa­sting green cof­fee it under­goes pha­ses of the impor­tant che­mi­cal tran­sfor­ma­tions, for­ming 800 sub­stan­ces respon­si­ble of the taste and aro­ma of the cof­fee. After an ini­tial pha­se of the heat exchan­ge the grains begin to assu­me a gol­den color and begins to form the toa­sted perfume.

In the next step, as a result of the increa­se in tem­pe­ra­tu­re, they beco­me gra­dual­ly dar­ker hand and lose 18–20% of their weight. The den­si­ty of the grain decrea­ses and begins to lose car­bon dio­xi­de (a pro­cess that con­ti­nues even in the days fol­lo­wing the roa­sting), a phe­no­me­non that makes it increa­se the volu­me. Once rea­ched the opti­mum degree of roa­sting, the cof­fee is imme­dia­te­ly coo­led to pre­vent con­ti­nuous com­bu­stion. Final­ly, after roa­sting, the cof­fee is left to rest for a few days in silos befo­re being pac­ka­ged for distribution.


Caffè Marcelletti Gold


The care­ful selec­tion of high ground Ara­bi­ca give a cream with an inten­se light bro­wn, red­dish, firm, per­si­stent and thick. natu­ral and plea­sing aci­di­ty, medium body balan­ced with aro­ma of cara­mel and flo­ral face­ts, slightly spi­cy after­ta­ste with lin­ge­ring licorice.

Caffè Marcelletti Red


Per­fect balan­ce of aro­ma, body and fla­vor notes. The cream is thick and com­pact from the shell color of hazel­nut. The olfac­to­ry ana­ly­sis gives flo­ral aro­mas with notes of cocoa. The taste a good body almo­st sweet cara­me­li­zed roa­sted inten­se after­ta­ste of liquorice.

Caffè Marcelletti Prime


The Nea­po­li­tan sty­le par excel­len­ce thanks to the pre­do­mi­nan­ce of chun­ky. The cream pre­sen­ts a uni­form color hazel­nut, with good per­si­sten­ce and cha­rac­te­ri­zed by den­si­ty and com­pact­ness. Strong bodied aro­ma that returns light spi­cy notes, honey and licorice.

Caffè Marcelletti Deka


The water decaf­fei­na­tion pro­cess gives an opti­mal pre­ser­va­tion of the body and the aro­mas of tra­di­tio­nal espres­so without com­pro­mi­ses. The cream comes in a nice uni­form color hazel­nut good ela­sti­ci­ty. The aro­ma­tic com­plex is of good inten­si­ty with hin­ts of spi­ce and cocoa, plea­san­tly sour and sweet taste with slight bit­ter notes. After­ta­ste deli­ca­te with good persistence.


Our line of ground cof­fee 250 g is crea­ted to sati­sfy the need of tho­se who, attrac­ted by the unmi­sta­ka­ble gur­gling and the ine­brian­ting aro­ma in the air, pre­fer the tra­di­tio­nal and com­for­ta­ble tra­di­tio­nal pre­pa­ra­tion in Moka. So we crea­ted a line of ground cof­fee that could repro­du­ce the taste of an espres­so as good as at the bar, in a ritual that speaks of plea­su­re, sere­ni­ty, break, fami­ly and sha­ring. Mar­cel­let­ti ground cof­fee, pro­du­ced and pac­ka­ged accor­ding to the values and prin­ci­ples that have always gui­ded our brand, has a balan­ced taste and an invi­ting aroma.


To achie­ve our por­tio­ned cof­fee pods and cap­su­les we use methods of pro­ces­sing and pac­ka­ging modern and inno­va­ti­ve. Pods and cap­su­les are indi­vi­dual­ly pac­ked in tri­ple alu­mi­num film layer in a pro­tec­ti­ve atmosphere.
Our offer inclu­des mix­tu­res from vigo­rous, crea­my body, den­se and per­si­stent in the fol­lo­wing for­ma­ts: Wafers dia­me­ter 44 mm (7.5 g), com­pa­ti­ble Nespres­so® Cap­su­les (5.5 g), Lavaz­za® A modo Mio (7 g), Point® and Blue®(7.3 g), Uno System®, Caf­fi­ta­ly® e Dol­ce Gusto®.
Each for­mat ensu­res the fre­sh­ness of each sin­gle dose without affec­ting all of the cof­fee com­po­nen­ts, and allo­ws you to pre­pa­re and ser­ve easi­ly and quic­kly an espres­so in a work­man­li­ke man­ner, as good as the one ser­ved at the bar.